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The Harding Street Church of Christ is made up of a group of friendly people who strive to follow God’s word and and serve the community of Morrilton, Arkansas. To learn more, please Contact Us.
Sunday Morning Classes
Class- Teacher(s)
Nursery- Angel Bane
1st & 2nd Grades- Gereta Semanek
3rd through 6th Grades- Jammie Bonds
Teens- Geoffrey Bane
Young Adults- Matt Prysock
Adults- Ron Semanek
Wednesday Evening Classes
Class- Teacher(s)
Nursery - Angel Bane
1st through 4th Grade- Shelley Bane
5th through 12th Grade- Geoffrey Bane
Ladies' Class- Jammie Bonds
Adults- Neal Chism
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The Harding Street Church of Christ is made up of a group of friendly people who strive to follow God’s word and and serve the community of Morrilton, Arkansas. To learn more, please Contact Us.