Good morning, I hope you all enjoyed the rain we’ve been getting, even if we got a little too much in some areas. We are officially one week away from the start of our Vacation Bible School here at Harding Street. The theme is What A Mess! and we’re going to be learning about the messes of our lives and of the world and learning how we can grow from them. We hope you can join us for every lesson from Sunday morning until Wednesday evening. For the adults we will have lessons to match the class lessons, taught by our elders and men of the congregation. For the kids, prepare to get messy while learning from God’s word. You can look forward to making snacks, painting, and of course no mess would be complete without homemade slime! We’ll meet at 7pm, Monday through Wednesday next week, and hope you can join us!
With this last storm that moved through I was reminded of the story of Noah and the ark. Noah was commanded by God to build a large ship to survive a flood that God was going to send to the earth. At that time it had never even rained on the earth, so of course no one believed Noah. Sometimes here in the summers in Arkansas we can feel like it’s never rained before! But then God reminds us of His power over the earth and sends rain to wash away the dust from the land. The plants get much needed water, the rivers and creeks begin to flow again, and we get some much needed relief from the heat. It would have been very easy for Noah to look at all the people who did not get on the ark with him, and be disheartened. But instead Noah looked at the blessings from God in the new land that He had created. We too can look at the damages caused by this storm, those who lost power for a few hours, those who had damage to property, and those who had trees and limbs fall. We can focus on these things and be disheartened, or we can look at all the blessings that we have because of the rain that God sent.
As we go through life it is very easy for us to look at the downside of everything. Proverbs 11:27 tells us “Whoever looks for good will find kindness, but whoever looks for evil will find trouble.” If we want to look for the bad in everything, that’s what we will find. But if we look for the good in everything, we will see that good is always there somewhere. Let us all strive to look for the good in everything in our lives!
-Geoffrey Bane
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