November in the Natural State is certainly a beautiful experience: falling leaves, the aroma of fall in the air, thoughts of the holidays on the horizon…the simple things that remind us of God’s power, promises, and His provision for all who love Him and live according to His purpose. It is a pleasure and privilege to be walking in the light as He is in the light. May we all appreciate God’s riches and let Him know today and every day just how thankful we are to be His children. We will do that today as we worship in spirit and in truth. Cindi and I began our 6th year at Harding Street last Sunday (5th). Thank you for your patience, confidence, and support over these past five years with all the ups and downs of life. God has been so good to us. Even though we do not know what tomorrow will hold, we do know who holds tomorrow. With God, all things are possible.
This past Sunday morning we focused our attention on the final lesson in the series, “God’s Eternal Promise – Forgiveness.” Sin is sin. Lost is lost. Paid is paid. Forgiven is forgiven. And saved is saved. There is no little sin or big sin, no little paid or big paid, no just a little bit forgiven or all forgiven, and no a little bit saved and all the way saved.
I came across this article in my files and thought we could use a little humor as we think about the personal duties and the special privilege we each have as members of the church of Christ at Harding Street and additionally as citizens of our great nation.
Why * d*dn’t b*y that comp*ter…
Wh*le look*ng for a comp*ter for the off*ce, * fou*d one that was cheaper than all the rest. *t looked l*ke all the others except one th*ng, two letters on the keypad wo*ld not work. The other twenty-fo*r letters worked j*st f*ne. *t had all the n*mbers and p*nct*at*on marks, but for some reason, * j*st co*ld not make myself cons*der *t. Yo* m*ght th*nk *t was wrong not to s*ggest we b*y th*s part*c*lar comp*ter, after all, *n the Lord’s ch*rch yo* can always f*nd a few members who do not work and are absent *n the*r attendance. Everyone knows that *t really makes no d*fference whether every member works or not. There *s always someone else who can *s*ally make *p the d*fference. *nder these c*rc*mstances * do not th*nk yo* wo*ld have wanted a comp*ter w*th a keypad on wh*ch all the keys wo*ld not work.
Why then do expect our Lord to be sat*sf*ed when all the keys *n H*s ch*rch aren’t work*ng? *n case yo* are wonder*ng how keys not work*ng w*ll ca*se so m*ch tro*ble, j*st look what happens when “U” and “I” are not work*ng!
Mark your calendar for this Sunday, November 19th following our Sunday morning Bible classes for our Birthday and Anniversary Celebration Potluck Lunch together up in the Annex. Prepare enough food for your family and a little extra for our guests. Thanksgiving is 1 week from Thursday. Wow! Where has the time gone? MB
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