Welcome Christian brothers and sisters. September. We’re back to the school routine now. Summer is still with us with those 90 degree temperatures but soon the weather will be making a big change, like always. It would have been nice to have some of the rain from the recent hurricane that traveled from Florida across the southern part of the nation. We’ll just have to wait our turn for the changing of the seasons. God has everything in hand. Trust and obey. There’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.
Sunday marked another great day in the history of the church of Christ at Harding Street. God is blessing us.
PLAYPARK NEWS – We now have a new PLAYPARK across the parking lot behind the Annex Building. What a blessing this is for our children in the church and in the neighborhood. On your mark. Get set. Play. ADULTS: Please remember that this playpark is for our children. I realize that there is a child in each of us, but resist…and just stand and watch while our children enjoy playing. We are planning a formal dedication of the playpark as soon as we can schedule it. May we remember the legacy of our Brother Steve Crow every time we pull into the parking lot and notice the playpark. PLEASE BE CAREFUL as you drive in and out of the parking area. Children are going to and from the playpark and to their cars.
“SUNDAY WAS PROMOTION SUNDAY” – CHILDREN, TEENS, & YOUNG ADULTS moved up to their new Bible classes. If you need to know what Bible class you should be attending, just ask your teacher. The ages/grades are on the classroom doors. Thank you, teachers, for all you do for us at Harding Street. Keep up the good work. This promotion also applies to our Wednesday evening Bible classes. Adults, you’re in for something special on Wednesdays beginning this week: Brother Geoffrey Bane will be teaching the adult class in the auditorium on the subject, “Why Do We Need…” I’ll be stepping into the teenage class for a quarter. We will see how it goes.
WE APPOINTED A NEW ELDER ON SUNDAY – We welcome our Brother STEPHEN BONDS as one of our elders. He will serve with our Brothers Bill Brice, Mickey Burleson, Charles Camp, and Ron Semanek. We learned about the qualifications and duties of elders recently and we have been prayerfully considering Brother Bonds for the past two weeks. Thank you so much for your prayers and participation in this most important consideration. MB
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