Welcome. Whew! It’s hot, very hot, scorching hot and dry. Fall is still a few days away but when you look out and up at the trees you can see them already turning…not golden but brown. God is good. He is excellent. The world we live in is beautiful and good. The vast majority of people in the world are peaceful, loving, and helpful. There are a few (always have been and always will be) who are the opposite. Let’s make sure we are on the right side of everything, God’s side. Every day we make choices that bring us peace, happiness, and unity or calamity, sorrow, and division. Just think about what the world would look like if we all “feared the Lord and walked in His ways” (PSALM 128) if we followed Jesus’ word and example. What did Jesus live and teach? Well – Love one another. Forgive. Honor your parents. Do what is right. Obey the law of the land. Always tell the truth. Help one another. Work. Give. Pray. Care. Respect. Don’t quit. Trust and be trustworthy. Be good. Let go. Can you see how living this kind of life, the Christian life is the only way to live? I hope so. Live today in a different way. Put these simple things into practice and see for yourself what a positive difference you can make in the world. Don’t look back. Look ahead.
Remember – We are considering our Brother Stephen Bonds to be added to our eldership here at Harding Street. Read again 1 TIMOTHY 3:1-7, 11, and TITUS 1:5-9 regarding the qualifications of an elder. If you know of any scriptural reason that would disqualify Brother Steve from serving as one of our elders, let him know. Maybe he can answer any question you might have. Our plans are to appoint him as an additional elder on Sunday, September 3, 2023. Thank you so much for your consideration in this most important consideration.
We all are working, praying, hoping, dreaming, and living the Christian life every day to see that the church at Harding Street is successful in our service to God. Charles and Myrna Medlock clean our facilities. Drayke McCoy cuts the grass. Evan Freeman operates our sound room. Shelley Bane does a great job as our church secretary. Christine Camp puts the bulletin together. Our teachers are faithfully teaching our children, teens, and adults to be more like Jesus. Our elders, deacons, and ministers live every day under the banner of the cross showing and sharing the love of Christ in word and deed. Let us not worry about the fruits of our labors. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth (I Corinthians 3:6-7); “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God gives the increase.” Our task is simple. Trust and obey. Solomon said THIS is the whole duty of man – “Fear God and keep His commandments.” MB
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