Welcome. Hello. Think about it. Know it. You only have one life to live! How are you living it? In the evening you close your eyes in sleep and then in an instant morning comes and you open your eyes to a new day. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow may never be. Today is yours and mine to live as we choose. We must choose wisely. We have too little time to waste even a moment on things that simply do not matter, things like regret, hesitation, procrastination, worry, hate, fear and such things. Only “a moment” ago, back in May we were talking about the summer and how much we needed the summer sun and a few days off. Well, June and July are now history. It is now the middle of August, and our teachers and students are back in school. What happened? James wrote about life in chapter 4, verse 14; “Life is even as a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” How we live our lives today determines our eternal destiny.
Our sermon this past Sunday (20th) was from I Timothy 3 and Titus 1: the qualifications of an elder. We have been asked by our eldership to consider our Brother Stephen Bonds to join them in the work of an elder. After meeting with him in prayer and discussion over the past several weeks, our elders believe that he is qualified and ready to take on this position of service to the church of Christ at Harding Street. We read the qualifications from God’s word on Sunday morning. We have been asked to take the next two weeks to prayerfully consider Brother Bonds’ qualifications. If any of us know of any Scriptural reason as to why Brother Bonds should not serve as an elder, please speak with him personally, then speak to one of the current elders regarding your reason as to why he should not serve. Lord willing, we plan to appoint him as an additional elder on Sunday, September 3, 2023. Thank you so much for your consideration in this most important consideration.
Every third Sunday in the month we honor those who have birthdays and anniversaries in the month with a potluck lunch. Following lunch we meet at 12:00 for our afternoon service. Our afternoon lesson this past Sunday was “When you read your Bible, what do you find?” When we read our Bibles we find KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION, INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION, FAITH, AND SALVATION. The Bible is not the end in and of itself. The Bible is the means to the end. When we read the Bible, we find JESUS. MB
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