Sunday’s Sermon Topics: AM – Follow After These Things #4 – LOVE
PM – Love One Another as I Have Loved You
Sunday is the Lord’s Day. We are so very thankful to honor God with the gift of our presence, with our voices singing and praying, with our Bibles, minds, and hearts open as we hear the word preached, with our financial gifts, and with our remembrance of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection in the Lord’s Supper. Thank you for being present. You are a blessing to me and to every Christian at Harding Street.
We have several bulletin boards in the lobby that inform us of our mission reports, youth events and activities, ladies events and activities, those to serve for the next few weeks, and local gospel meetings and events. We have new spring flowers up front and the new spring bulletin boards in the foyer. Thank you to Edna and Shelley. You both are such a blessing to us.
John tells us a very revealing story about his fellow apostle, Thomas in John 20:19-20. On the Sunday evening of Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples were together. He visited them, showed them His hands and His side, and encouraged them. The thing is, Thomas was absent. When the rest of the disciples told him about Jesus’ visit, he doubted and said, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Eight days later Jesus visited the disciples again. This time Thomas was present. Jesus said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving but believing.” Thomas then said, “My Lord and my God!” Where was Thomas on that Sunday evening eight days earlier? Fishing? After all he was a fisherman. Sick? Maybe. Down, out, and unbelieving? Probably. Even though we do not know where he was, we do know where he wasn’t. He was not where he should have been and because of that, he missed out on a wonderful blessing. The same is true today. When the church meets for worship, study, and fellowship, every member should be present and ready for God’s blessings.
This lesson reminds me of my own personal commitment to be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Back in June of 1979, I was sitting on the third pew from the front of the auditorium in the church of Christ in Hamilton, Alabama. A young Christian woman walked into the room from the south entrance, and my life and hers changed forever. Later that young woman became my wife. I have often wondered about that day and what my life would have been if I had decided to be somewhere else on that Sunday. I am so glad I made the right choice. God is truly gracious, full of mercy and kindness to His children and to all who trust and obey.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our March Birthday & Anniversary Celebration Potluck Lunch is scheduled for this coming Sunday, March 19th. We will meet at 9:00 for Worship, 10:00 for Bible class, 11:30 for Lunch, 12:30 for an Afternoon service, then break for the day. So, no evening service at 5:00 on Sunday, March 19th. We’ll see how it goes. MB
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