Welcome. Glad you stopped by to visit our website. Take time every day to remember all our families and friends who are sick and in need of our prayers and care and God’s intervention and provision. Remember to pray for them. God says in James 5:16; “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
We had a new song leader directing our song service this past Sunday morning, Brother Matt Prysock. Our youth minister Geoffrey, Angel (Geoffrey’s wife), and several from our youth group attended Y.O.U. (Youth Outreach University) in Conway this past weekend. They had had a wonderful time of fellowship and study and came back to Harding Street even more excited about Christ and living the Christian life every day. They’ll be making a trip to Van Buren in March for the River Valley Youth Conference. If you are a teenager and would like to be surrounded with Christian young men and women, come and see.
On Sunday we continued in our January sermon series “Focus on Jesus and what He began “teach” and looked at another earthly story with a heavenly meaning: “The Good Samaritan.” Jesus taught this parable to answer a man’s question, “And who is my neighbor?” There are two points to the answer to this question: #1 – Love God, and #2 – Love your neighbor. We looked at Jesus’ lesson on love in action. The Bible teaches us about faith in action in James 2:18: “But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.’” The same idea can be said for love and action; But someone will say, ‘You have love, and I have action. Show me your love without your action, and I will show you my love by my action.’ Like faith showing itself in deeds, so is love showing itself in action.
At 5:00 this past Sunday we looked to “Focus on Jesus and who He is: the King of kings and Lord of lords and what He began to “do.” Jesus is the King of love, the King of power, and the King of action. He is also the KING OF KINDNESS. Kindness loves the sinner but hates sin. Kindness weeps with those who weep and rejoices with those who rejoice, not the other way around. Kindness always offers a helping hand to others. If you would like to be a part of a loving Christ-centered congregation of the church, please consider the Harding Street Church of Christ in Morrilton. May God bless us all with a heart like His, with health, happiness, and one day, heaven. MB
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