Hello family and friends. I just love Sundays. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. We are so happy to have the great privilege of meeting together to worship God as the church of Christ in spirit and in truth. We are blessed. We must never ever take this privilege for granted. Thank you so much for allowing me to be away Sunday through Thursday (October 23-27) to preach the gospel in South Carolina with the White Knoll Church of Christ in Lexington. Thank you to Brother Geoffrey and Brother Bane for preaching while I was away. Thank you to Brother Matt for teaching the young adults. It was so good to see my dear SC Christian brothers and sisters again and enjoy a few days of fellowship and gospel preaching. Cindi and I lived in Columbia for several years 10 years ago. It is great to be back home in Arkansas.
Election Day (November 8) is upon us. Any registered voter can vote early now if that is more convenient. We, the United States of America, will be electing men and women to represent us in the various capacities of our government locally and in our nation’s capital. How will you cast your vote? I pray that we all will take these few days before we cast our vote to open our eyes, think for ourselves, and decide what is best for our country and our world. We must look past all the political rhetoric and the media bias to get informed as much possible about the candidates that are vying for our vote and the various changes in our laws in the state of Arkansas. We must not be dismayed, discouraged, or deceived. Take a look at God’s council to Joshua when the leadership over Israel was about to change; “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). God will give us the wisdom (James 1:5). We need it. I am preaching on this subject tonight at the 5:00 p.m. hour: Wisdom is appreciating, appropriating, assimilating, and activating God’s word in our lives. My grandfather always told me, “Son, if you like what is going on in the government, vote them back in. If you don’t, vote’m out.” And that is what I will do with my vote.
We concluded our October sermon series yesterday with a lesson on “Come to Jesus – Now What?” The decision to become a Christian and then live a Christian life is yours and mine. No one can make this decision for you or for me. When God instructed Adam and Eve in the garden, they had a choice. Same for Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Joshua, Micah, the rich young ruler, the apostles, and anyone and everyone in the world before us, presently, and those to follow. Come to Jesus. Fulfill your purpose and be blessed. Come to Jesus. Look beyond today into eternity. Come to Jesus. Count the cost. Come as you are. Jesus will save you. You will be so glad you did.
Thanksgiving in 24 days! I’m ready. MB
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