Hello family and friends. Welcome. Sunday is the Lord’s Day at Harding Street. A “moment” ago it was 9/11/2001. I remember exactly where I was when 19 Islamic terrorists took our own planes and used them as weapons against us. And in just a few moments everything changed. The world changed. Two planes hit the World Trade Center bringing both “twin towers” down and killing more than 3,000 people and 400 police officers, firefighters, and port authority agents and injuring more than 10,000 others. One hour later another plane hit our Pentagon killing 189 people. A fourth plane was also hijacked and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania killing all 45 people on board. It has been 21 years now and America remains, still here, still strong, still relevant, still…well, you and I both know that we have problems; problems without and problems within. What shall we do? Remember our recent lessons regarding our God and Father; the Omniscient, the Omnipresent, the Omnipotent: Do what is right every day. Be merciful in thought, word, and deed. Be humble (Micah 6:8).
We hosted the Annual Conway County Ladies’ Day this past Saturday. What joy it was to see so many ladies from our area gathered together to share in the joy of the salvation we have in Christ Jesus. Our theme was “COFFEE” – Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere. Our speaker was Tammy Farris from Huntsville, Alabama. Sister Farris’ husband, Casey is the President of the Madison Academy Christian School System. As a teenager, he was in the youth group when I was youth minister in Alabama way back when. My nephew, Spencer Palmer played basketball and baseball at Madison Academy High School and after graduation went on to play college basketball at the University of Alabama Huntsville. It was an honor to host this ladies’ only event at Harding Street.
This past Sunday we continued in our summer series “Walking in the Pathway of the Old Rugged Cross” with a lesson on the first “S” in CROSS – SECURITY. We have looked at the requirements and the experiences. We are now looking at what we will see at the end of our journey – Christ Jesus Himself, Riches beyond our imagination, Our One and Only Father, and today, Security. We can never be completely secure on this side of heaven. At the end of the pathway of the Old Rugged Cross we will finally rest in security. The Psalmist wrote about this in Psalm 1, “Like a tree planted by rivers of water.”
On the evening today at 5:00 we began a new series “Jesus is the Light of the World and SO ARE WE.” When Jesus walks in, the room is filled with “light.” When He walks by, the flowers bloom. And if people do not or will not honor Him, “the rocks would immediately cry out” – “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest? – LUKE 19:38-40. Oh, what a Savior we have! MB
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