Hello family and friends! Oh, how wonderful it is to experience such beautiful weather! God is so good to us all. Just think…TIME? There are 7 days in every week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in every hour, and 60 seconds in every minute. I know. These facts are elementary.
Consider “time” not in terms of numbers on a clock but in terms of use. How do you “spend” your time? That’s right! Time is “spent.” Every second of every minute of every hour of every day is spent and gone forever. Someone illustrated time in this way. Let’s say that someone deposits $1,440.00 every morning into your bank account for the rest of your life. Wouldn’t that be terrific? That’s well over $500,000.00 every year. Wouldn’t you just love to wake up one morning and every morning for your entire life to participate this something like this? But…You probably knew there was a “but” in there somewhere…You always need to read the fine print. In order to participate in this “program,” every dollar of the $1,440.00 per day must be spent that day. None can be saved. How does this rule change the way we would plan our spending?
Fact is, we each receive 1,440 minutes every day, minutes that must be spent, minutes that cannot be saved or accumulated or given to another. At the end of each day, we find that our “time account” is empty, and every morning our “time account” is once again filled with 1,440 minutes. How do we spend our minutes? We must sleep…There goes 480 minutes. We go to school or to work…There goes another 480 minutes. Now we only have 480 minutes left, only one third of our daily allotment. We have to eat…another 120 minutes. And what about travel getting to and from school or work? Another 30 or so minutes…What about taking shower? Another 30 minutes or so…Now were down to 300 minutes to pray, study, worship, do homework and housework, watch TV, play games, practice, shop, check social media, visit family and friends, pay bills, on and on we could go. How much time have you taken to read this article? Oops! Another 5 minutes gone.
Seconds pass…minutes…hours…days! How are you spending your time? Wisely or foolishly? How much time to you “spend” worrying, regretting, arguing, pouting, and complaining…precious minutes that can never be recovered? There are only a few things in life that really matter: our faith in God, our family, and our friends. We should center every one of our 1,440 minutes on the things that really matter. The Bible tells us that life is “even as a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14).
Let’s live every day, every 1,440 minutes to the fullest…living well, living right, living the way God would have us live, healthy in every way, happy, and headed toward heaven.
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