Good day to you on this somewhat sunny Monday in our hometown between I-40 and the Arkansas River at the foot of Petit Jean Mountain. Spring will soon turn to summer (20th) and we’ll be busy with our summer activities. In the midst of our busy schedules may we always put God, His kingdom, and His righteousness first in everything we do. This poem is somewhat negative and may not fit everyone just right, but I think helps us in our thinking, planning, and in our decisions in these busy times.
You’ve time to building houses, and in them dwell.
And time to do business…to buy and sell.
But none for repentance, or deep earnest prayer,
To seek your salvation, you’ve no time to spare.
You’ve time for earth’s pleasures, for frolic and fun,
For her glittering treasures, how quickly you run,
But care not to seek the fair mansion above,
The favor of God or the gift of His love.
You’ve time to take voyages over the sea,
And time to take in the world’s jubilee.
But soon your bright hopes will be lost in the gloom,
Of the cold, dark river of death and the tomb.
You’ve time to resort to the mountain and glen,
And time to gain knowledge from books and from men.
Yet no time to search for the wisdom of God,
But what of your soul when you’re under the sod.
For time will not linger when helpless you lie,
Staring death in the face, you will take time to die.
Then what of the judgment…pause, think, I implore!
For time will be lost on eternity’s shore.
Sunday we began a new sermon series entitled “I died last night.” Not too long ago I made the statement, “Live today like you will live forever, because you will. Also, live today like this is your last day on earth, because one day it will be.” My Papa Burleson used to say, “Son, plan to live, but prepare to die.” This is the way I want to live my life. If you had died last night. What would your concerns be this morning? I’m sure your concerns would not be about business, money, estates, and worldly things. MB
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