Hello family and friends and WELCOME. I am so very happy that we can worship and study together today IN PERSON and not just from behind a camera and in front of a TV or monitor. If it would be appropriate, I would shout for joy this morning. We will continue to share our programs on Facebook LIVE every Sunday and Wednesday for those who are vulnerable to the virus and to our family and friends who cannot yet meet together in person.
We are once again in the midst of electing the governing officials will serve our nation in the coming days. Early voting has begun and election day, November 3rd is only 10 days away. Please exercise your right and duty as an American citizen to cast your VOTE for a candidate that will help us individually and collectively to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4). I will pray. I will think. I will vote. May God bless us as we seek first His kingdom and His righteous in life and living. From the story that follows, let us think of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…
There is a story of an old man and a young man on the same platform before a vast audience of people. As a part of the program, each man was to repeat from memory the words of the 23rd Psalm. The young man was trained in the best speech techniques and drama and gave, in the language of an ancient silver-tongued orator, the words of the beautiful 23rd Psalm; “The Lord is my Shepherd…” When he finished his recitation, the audience clapped their hands and cheered, asking him for an encore so that they might hear again his wonderful words.
Then the old gentleman, leaning on his cane, stepped up to the front of the platform, and in a feeble, shaking voice, repeated the same words, “The Lord is my Shepherd…” When he finished and was seated, no sound came from the audience. People seemed to pray. In silence, the young man stood to make the following statement, “Friends, the difference between me and the old man is this: I know the 23rd Psalm, but he knows the Shepherd.” DO YOU KNOW THE SHEPHERD?
Our sermon this morning is entitled “Doing What I Should – MAKING ADJUSTMENTS.” In this series we will consider examples from the Bible that will show that God requires every person who comes to Him to make proper adjustments. God asks each of us to change. Think about the following list of people from the Bible who were called to make adjustments, to change: Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, the 12 Apostles, The Rich Young Ruler, the “about 3,000” at Pentecost, Paul, Timothy, you, and me. Today we will consider the Rich Young Ruler in Mark 10:17-22.
I love Sunday evening worship! This evening we ask ourselves the question “Where is the Love – How to Revitalize Our Love.” I look forward to sharing this lesson with you.
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