I’m sure by now you are overwhelmed with news about the current situation we find our world in. This is not something we should take lightly and with the precautions suggested to us by professionals we might find ourselves feeling a bit lost. Social distancing is very important to participate in if we ever want this virus contained. Social distancing however can take a toll. I have never cleaned my room, cooked as many meals, or gone on as many walks as I have the past two weeks.
For most college students we met in person for class for the last time this semester and had no idea. I am in a group called Bears for Christ at UCA and we had our last Bearfeed surrounded by one another in fellowship and we are not sure when we will get to all be together again. These are hard times we find ourselves in. Harding Street has never missed a Sunday service. I have never sat at home and watched a livestream of a church service before. We need to remember that even during all of this we can still look to God and to each other (atleast six feet apart of course, and no more than 10 people at a time!) for encouragement. Keep up with one another, reach out, and keep each other’s spirits up. Don’t spend all of your time worrying, be cautious; however, do not let this virus get in between of you and God (Matthew 6:34).
I have decided that this “coronacation” as some have labeled will be a time for me to better myself while being by myself. There is nothing wrong about being on your own, as an introvert I am quite fond of alone time (however, this circumstance is a bit more than I asked for). There is no better time to build your relationship with Christ than right now. Why not right now? There is no excuse! Some may still have the opportunity to work, but the majority of us should be at home. What better way to spend all this new found free time than studying and growing your spiritual relationship.
“Trust in God with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6
Thank you Abigail. MB
Very good article! We can spend more time in God’s word, praying, and strengthening our relationships! Listen to Abigail and become better during this time!