February 22, 2019 – Welcome! I’m so happy that you are reading my blog post this week and every week. In addition to this article be sure to check out the other sections of our new website: www.hardingstreetcoc.com: the Harding Street bulletin, our calendar, education information and coming soon; good reading for ladies, a youth page, and audio sermons. We want to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ any and every way we can to those who are searching for the Way to goodness and mercy all the way to heaven. David wrote about the Christian life in Psalm 23:6 when he wrote; “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Of course these promises rest upon Jesus as the Shepherd of our lives. We (The church of Christ that meets at 906 E. Harding Street) are truly a people who love God. We want to serve Him every day. We want to show and share Jesus’ tender loving care as we serve others. We want to reflect the Light to those around us. We truly want to teach, love, and care with the same passion and compassion that Jesus has for all the world. May God, the Morrilton community, and the world see Jesus living in us!
This week has been one of those weeks every preacher dreams about and hopes and prays for. On Sunday (17th) we welcomed Brother Don Atkins to the church of Christ at Harding Street. Brother Don will certainly be a wonderful asset to the church. He will be teaching the auditorium Bible class beginning in March. They will begin a study of the Judges. We then had the great privilege of witnessing three new deacons accept their appointment; Brothers Marion Chenault, Jamie McCoy, and Brent DuVall. Then at the close of Brother Bane’s sermon we celebrated a new Christian being born into the family of Christ as Emmy Lou DuVall confessed Jesus as Savior and was baptized into Christ by her dad, Brent, who was just appointed as a deacon. Then, later on Sunday we had a new Christian brother added to the church as Seth Hall confessed Jesus as the Son of God and was baptized into Christ. On Wednesday evening we announced the news that David and Pam Petroff have decided to be members at Harding Street. God always fulfills His promises. What did the Apostle Paul write in 1 Corinthians 3:6? “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” This we will do. This God will do.
This Sunday (24th) we have Brother Bob Turner and his lovely wife visiting with us. Brother Turner will share a lesson from God’s word at the worship hour then speak to the auditorium class about a new project he is directing called “The Leadership Project.” If you’d like to investigate this new work, the website is www.leadership-project.com. And don’t forget the hyphen.
Our Sunday evening lesson is entitled “Jesus – Concerning Salvation.” We often sing the song “Trust and Obey.” The chorus of this song teaches us about true faith in Jesus: “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” When we look in the Bible we find that faith is actually a combination of trust and obedience just like the song says. The writer to the Hebrews in chapter 11 and verse 6 teaches us about true faith: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is (TRUST) and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (OBEDIENCE).” We’ll consider this on the evening worship hour.
Great things happening there Mickey, we serve an Awesome God.
So sorry I could not come when you were at WTCOC. I know I missed a great lesson. I hear you might miss us a little bit.Prayers for your work there.